• "Maximum 3" is a frequent addition to the heading above. You can also add the obligatory absence of gradients here. However, as you must have noticed, there are 5 colors in the Microsoft logo! Google and Ebay have 4 each, and NBC has 7 in general!



    What about Instagram* and Firefox? Aren't gradients in logos a thing of the 90s?


    Single color logos have three advantages. Let's consider each separately.

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  • Simple shapes do not need further simplification for small sizes


    If most of the time people see the main version of the logo, then when they see the simplified version, they will correlate it with the brand. For example, the Tinkoff Bank logo, due to its uniqueness in its niche, is recognizable even in the favicon version.


    Of course, it is important that the person who comes into contact with the abbreviated version of the logo is already familiar with its main version. But this is true for any logo.


    When developing a corporate identity, you need to rely not on the criterion of logo simplicity, but on your audience, future logo carriers and trends in your niche.

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  • The product is a freelance platform on the blockchain


    Priority tasks in interface design:

    • separating the roles of the customer and the freelancer - an extremely low percentage of people used both at the same time. Their separation helped with navigation and simplified the UX for both customers and performers;
    • design scenarios in a more linear way, trying to take into account various edge cases - in order, for example, to change settings without interrupting the action;
    • correct accents on target actions at every step;
    • lay the foundation for scaling - build a well-build UI design kit;
    • in the future, to set up accurate analytics, scenarios should be linear, but with a discreteness that will allow recording every action and event.

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  • It was a great challenge for us. This was the first time we did a large and complex interface with a client. In addition to this, the industry is extremely specific. We worked very closely with the CEO and we had the support of internal expertise from our co-founder, who also deals with Venture Capital. We were also joined by an external UX consultant and an art director with experience in complex financial services. This helped us to give everything to the maximum, and even start the practice of attracting external experts to projects.


    During this project, we realized that working with interfaces is a direct continuation of working with corporate styles and websites. Branding sets the style, the site tests the scope of this style in a digital and interactive space. From this directly follows the UI / UX design of the product, which supports the image of the brand.


    Since then, we have more than 50 employees in the studio, and our company has received investments in the amount of $ 6.3 million. Now we have a UI + UX unit (yes, through a plus), and we do three things. Corporate styles, websites, interfaces.


    There are a lot of guys from both classical fintechs and crypto, defi and other new-school finance in the portfolio of Embacy clients. We plan to actively build up the existing UI + UX expertise in this area.

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